Affirmations: the fleeting, minuscule,
but oh-so-powerful sentences
we hear in our minds.
Does destructive self-talk appear in your mind on a daily basis?
And, why is our mind so mean sometimes? For no valid reason at all, it seems. Or, perhaps, because we’ve got a set of phrases programmed within us, from childhood – picked up as a side serving to major life experiences.
Listen... What if we told you, there is a way to wake up daily, with clear, friendly, and criticism-free thoughts. Would you believe us?
Such is the power of words, thoughts, and truthfully, actions. Which all truly begin with our beliefs, our inner talk.
Whether with crystals, or the first sip of the morning brew you indulge in. At a random point in the day, as you wash the dishes… Let these 101 affirmations act as daily reminders that your thoughts code how your life feels.
And it's free. You can get started TODAY! No equipment necessary 😉
But, you can make it into a ritual... Say it out loud with crystals in hand, write it down in your diary, stick a post-it note on your mirror, or linger on the affirmation in your mind… and reap the benefits of this powerful habit.

1. There really is enough to go around.
2. Abundance is just around the corner.
3. I deserve to thrive in all areas of my life.
4. There is no limit on how abundant my life can be.
5. There is no abundance without gratitude. I am truly grateful for what I have.
6. Intentional action brings me closer to receiving.
7. Wealth comes easy to me.
8. I feel that I always have enough.
9. I am generous with my wealth.
10. I attract miracles and gifts into my life.

11. My intuition guides me towards my purpose.
12. What I focus on, I attract.
13. I choose focus over fear.
14. Motivation is a result of action.
15. I believe in my ability and creativity.
16. Success comes easily, as I follow the path of service.
17. I am truly limitless.
18. I am building a life, not a CV.
19. I am a success magnet.
20. I am worthy of a career-rich life.

21. Fear doesn’t control me, it helps me.
22. I choose a challenge over an easy life.
23. I am bold. I am badass.
24. Courage doesn’t always mix well with comfort.
25. I make waves, I make change.
26. I am powerful beyond my imagination.
27. I explore what challenges me.
28. I easily let go of things no longer serving me.
29. I trust that whatever has to find me, will.
30. I deserve the best, so I embrace my bravery.

31. I attract a tribe of like-minded people who help me grow.
32. I do everything in my power to be a great friend.
33. I am reliable, my friends know they can count on me.
34. My friends follow their own purpose.
35. I am a source of inspiration for my friends, as they are for me.
36. My positive energy repels disloyal friends.
37. My friends make me bloom.
38. I deserve the most loyal and loving friends.
39. If someone intentionally leaves my life, it’s for the better.
40. There are no power plays in my friendships.

41. My past doesn’t determine my happiness, I choose to look beyond that.
42. I understand that unhappiness is temporary.
43. How people view me, is not an indication of who I am.
44. Happiness is my job.
45. I take intentional steps to be my happiest self everyday.
46. I love making others feel joyful.
47. I can feel happy irrespective of my life situation.
48. I choose positivity, even when everyone around me doesn't.
49. I don’t have to blast about my happiness to others.
50. Happiness is not a competition.

51. In order to heal, I make healthy choices daily.
52. I wont's surrender, I step towards great health daily.
53. Powerful habits lead me to my best self.
54. My healthset is my priority.
55. The helthier I feel, the more of service I am.
56. I deserve to feel unstoppable.
57. Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.
58. I can create a new, healthier version of myself whenever I want.
59. Other's expectations of me will not hold me back from becoming healthier.
60. Once I prioritise myself, everything else will follow.

61. To find true love, I have to truly love myself first. No excuses.
62. I don’t wait around for love to find me, I surrender to my divine path and the Universe’s plan.
63. My soul partner loves me beyond belief.
64. I am loved, cherished, and respected.
65. I fully accept myself with all my imperfections, and so does my partner.
66. I am open to a rational, healthy, and loving relationship.
67. My past relationships don’t define my future.
68. I choose to allow my partner to bloom, there is no room for jealousy.
69. My partner simply loves me. I don’t have to prove myself.
70. I attract love easily, because I am made of love.
71. I treat myself to all the things I’d treat my loved one to.

72. Money is a tool that I easily attract.
73. I never worry about money.
74. My creativity is a magnet for money.
75. I strive towards wealth, it doesn’t scare me anymore.
76. Wealth is natural to me.
77. I attract financial abundance, so that I can give to others.
78. The more wealthy I am, the more generous I am.
79. Miracles happen, but not without focused action.
80. Money doesn’t make me anxious at all.
81. I have the ability to be completely financially-free.

82. The world is my oyster, I get what I put into it.
83. I came to this world with a purpose that I will fulfill.
84. I am reaching my goals, and beyond.
85. My time is now. There’s no doubt about it.
86. I trust my spirit’s intuition wholeheartedly.
87. Everyday is better than the last.
88. I appreciate everything life gives me.
89. Life isn’t about perfection.
90. I love my life with all my heart and soul.
91. I make my life better. I deserve the best.

92. I listen closely to my purpose in life.
93. My life has meaning, I have found it.
94. I am persistent, and everyone is cheering on me.
95. I am serving humanity with my gifts.
96. I fulfill my purpose daily through small actions.
97. I have a clear view of what I am here for.
98. My future is bright, no matter what I’m going through.
99. There’s nobody out there like me.
100. I’m always open to life change. It’s for a higher purpose.
101. I tread on the path of my purpose with confidence daily.

Speak to yourself with love. Don't wait
for someone else to do it first.
Be a master of your own life ✨
The AK Vibes Team
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